Welcome to York Music Boosters

Join York Music Boosters, and you can be a part of a decades-long tradition of providing support to the York High School music and dance programs. YMB proudly boosts students in band, orchestra, choir, music production and dance.

Join us as a member for the 2024-25 school year.

How does YMB help the Performing Arts students, teachers and programs at York?

  • Grants, scholarships and private lessons for students to pursue opportunities in the performing arts

  • Year-end award programs to honor exemplary students in the performing arts

  • The hosting of concert receptions

  • Support for York's one-of-a-kind Fine Arts Week and the York Album Project

  • Help for students to offset the costs of school-sponsored travel, including by organizing fundraisers such as the traditional Holiday Greens Sale and Lou Malnati's Pizza Sale

    • During the 2023-2024 school year, for example, YMB organized three fundraisers that deposited thousands of dollars into individual student escrow accounts. It also defrayed costs for students who took part in the band trip to Orlando, including special assistance for those in need.

  • Partner with District 205 on projects to improve the performing arts experience at York High School.

    • Most recently, YMB reached its "Dream Grand" goal (with Elmhurst Music Boosters), raising $22,000 to help bring a concert-worthy piano to the York auditorium.

YMB looks forward to carrying on this tradition, but these successes are only possible with your membership, donations and help.

Become a YMB member

News from YMB & York Performing Arts

Treat Yourself to a Thursday Dinner at Portillo's — and Give a Boost to the Performing Arts at York

Eat and Earn

We are in the middle of five of the most exciting days of the school year: Fine Arts Week. York Music Boosters proudly helps support this annual, weeklong celebration of the arts — a chance for York students to showcase their talents and hard work, to watch the performances of professional artists and musicians, and to deepen their appreciation of the arts. 

In celebration of this special week, York Music Boosters is holding an Eat and Earn fundraiser on Thursday at the Elmhurst Portillo's from 5 to 8 p.m. Please come out to Portillo's on Thursday, enjoy a dinner out, and let the restaurant staff know you'd like your purchase to go toward helping York Music Boosters. You also can show the Portillo's staff the image below. 

One other special treat on Thursday: York's spring dance concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the school.

YMB supports the York students and faculty in band, choir, dance, orchestra and music production. Thanks to our members, donors and fundraisers such as this Eat and Earn, YMB is able to provide financial assistance for student lessons and school-sponsored travel; sponsor year-end scholarships and summer learning opportunities; help bring new equipment  to York (such as the auditorium's new grand piano); and support special events such as Fine Arts Week. 

Thank you for supporting YMB and the performing arts at York!

Come out to York Live on Friday Night

Fine Arts Week will once again culminate with York Live, a concert featuring a series of student performances that begins at 7 p.m. at Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church (149 W. Brush Hill Road). York Music Boosters volunteers will be at the door collecting a $10 suggested donation for Fine Arts Week. Doors open at 6:30 p..m. (Performers should be there at 5:45 p.m.) All ages are welcome at this show. 

We hope you are able to come out and support all of the student performers. York Live is an inspiring and fun event.

YMB also would like to recognize the talents and tireless work of Mr. Gemkow. Thank you, Mr. Gemkow, for leading much of the behind-the-scenes work of Fine Arts Week and giving York students and the entire Elmhurst community five great days.


Fifty York Students Invited to Participate in ILMEA Festivals, a Huge Achievement for These Young Musicians and York Performing Arts

Just how special is the York Performing Arts program? One of the latest examples is the large number of York students — 50! — invited to participate in the Illinois Music Education Association's District 1 Senior and Jazz festivals held in November. YMB congratulates these band, choir and orchestra students for their achievements.

View the full list of students here

York Music Boosters Holds Pop-Up Pantry to Help Families in Need

YMB extends its sincere thanks to everyone in the York community who participated in our Pop-Up Pantry in November. York Music Boosters hosted the event last weekend as a way of helping local families in need and giving students and their families the opportunity to work together on a community service project. York Music Boosters much appreciates all of the donations and the student volunteers who helped at the Pop-Up Pantry. The volunteer students are pictured at the event.

pop-up pantry

Salute to the Seniors: Members of Color Guard and Marching Band honored at Sept. 13 football game

senior night













The YMB Board

A board of dedicated — and fun — individuals from the York community serve on the YMB Board, helping lead and advance the mission of York Music Boosters. Below is the list of members who served on the YMB Board during the past school year; the list of YMB members for the 2024-25 school year will be posted here soon.

We are always looking for people who are interested in helping YMB and/or joining the YMB Board.

Please contact us here.

2024-2025 Board Members




Nate Klinger


Sara Jensen

Escrow Treasurer

Brian and Kathleen Mahoney

Secretary and Greens Sale

Leslie Van Meir

Membership and Eat and Earns

Mary Young

Hospitality and Private Lessons


Grants and Scholarships

Isaac Yue

YMB Merchandise



Emily Carr


Tim Anderson

Assistant Communications

Phil Fernandez