Lincoln Lunch Routine for Students
Your child has three lunch options: go home, bring lunch from home, or purchase a school lunch. Students going home for lunch will also stay home for recess.
Daily Lunch Hours (Including Late Start Wednesdays)
K - 10:55 - 11:55
1 - 11:25 - 12:25
3 - 11:25 - 12:25
2 - 11:55 - 12:55
4 - 11:55 - 12:55
5 - 12:25 - 1:25
Procedures for Students Going Home for Lunch
Parent Note: Send a note with your child stating they will go home for lunch. The student should give this note to their teacher.
Sign Out/In:
Parents/guardians must sign their child out and meet them at the office or front foyer at the start of their lunch hour.
For group outings (e.g., birthday celebrations), include the name of the other parent in your note. This parent will sign out all children and must sign them back in upon return.
If another adult is picking up your child, include their name in the note. They must sign in at the office and indicate their purpose.
Return Time: Bring your child back no earlier than the end time of lunch/recess period for the afternoon session.
Lincoln Lunch Options
Bring Lunch from Home
Order School Lunch: $3.55 for lunch, $0.55 for milk
Go Home for Lunch
Students going home for lunch must sign in/out at the office. Written permission is required for your child to go home with a friend. Ensure they return to Lincoln a few minutes before the end of their lunch/recess time to be on time for class.