Verification of Residency

Residency Verification Procedures and Required Forms

For the 2025-2026 school year, parents/guardians of incoming Kindergarteners, 9th graders and parents who require re-verification of residency (i.e. expiring lease before the start of the 2025-26 school year) must present Proof of Residency documents (see details below) to verify their residency. Please bring these documents to the school the student is currently enrolled at. The school collects the residency information from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. each day. 

Please use the Residency Cover Sheet to attach to your residency documentation. You can electronically enter student name(s), grade, and attending school in the cover sheet and then print.

Please contact your school secretary for the best time to bring your re-verification of residency documents (e.g. expired or soon to expire lease; special residency situation) through the end of the school year.

Please note:

  • If there are any questions regarding your residency documentation, we will reach out to you.

  • All residency documents must be presented in order to be processed. Partial documentation will not be accepted.

  • Once residency documents are processed, the parent will have access in their parent Powerschool account to complete the online registration.

  • The online registration process MUST be completed for each student before the student can start the next school year.

Proofs of Residency

A total of three proofs of residency are required as outlined below. Please contact the school secretary if you are having trouble collecting required documents.

One of the following for the residence at which the student(s) reside(s):

  • A current real estate bill showing parent/guardian as the owner 

  • A current original signed lease showing the parent/guardian as the tenant 

  • A current mortgage statement showing the parent/guardian as the owner


Two of the following showing the address for the residence at which the student(s) reside:

Preferred Documents      

  Acceptable Documents

A current gas bill  

A current driver’s license (or State ID card)

A current electric bill

A current home or apartment insurance certificate

A current water/sewer bill    

A current Department of Immigration Letter

A current cable bill 


Please note the following: 

  • If original documents are presented, copies of these documents will be made on the spot and the originals returned to you. 

  • Partial documentation will not be accepted. All documents must be presented in order to be processed.

Special Residency Affidavit 

If the student resides in a property owned or leased by someone other than their parent or guardian, a notarized residency affidavit must be signed at the school by the owner of the lease or property.

Reformed Special Residency English

Reformed Special Residency Spanish

Building Locations 

Edison Elementary
246 Fair Ave.
Phone: 630-834-4272

Emerson Elementary
400 N. West Ave. 
Phone: 630-834-5562

Field Elementary
295 Emroy Ave. 
Phone: 630-834-5313

Fischer Elementary
888 N. Wilson Ave.
Phone: 630-832-8601

Hawthorne Elementary
145 Arthur St. 
Phone: 630-834-4541

Jackson Elementary
925 Swain Ave. 
Phone: 630-834-4544

Jefferson Elementary
360 E. Crescent
Phone: 630-834-6261

Lincoln Elementary
565 Fairfield Ave. 
Phone: 630-834-4548

Bryan Middle School
111 W. Butterfield
Phone: 630-617-2350

Churchville Middle School 
155 Victory Parkway
Phone: 630-832-8682

Sandburg Middle School 
345 E. St. Charles
Phone: 630-834-4534

York High School
355 W. St. Charles
Phone: 630-617-2400