NEW Student Registration Form

Special Residency Affidavit

If the student resides in a property owned or leased by someone other than their parent or guardian, a notarized residency affidavit must be signed by the owner of the lease or property.

Reformed Special Residency English

Reformed Special Residency Spanish

Release of Student Records

Physical and Dental Forms

In compliance with State-mandated physical examination/ immunization requirements all students entering Early Childhood, Kindergarten, sixth and ninth grades must have a physical examination by a doctor.

To ensure adequate protection and a positive start to the new school year for all of our students, the nursing staff asks that ALL required physical examinations/ immunizations be submitted to the District or your child's school as soon as possible. (Please make a photocopy of all submitted exam forms to keep for your own records.)  At the high school level, forms may be mailed to York High School Health Services, 355 W. St. Charles Road, Elmhurst, IL 60126

The Certificate of Child Health Examination, Proof of Dental Examination and Proof of Vision Exam may be picked up at your child's school office, the District 205 Center, 162 S. York Street, or downloaded below. Questions may be directed to your child’s school office/health office.

Due to the high demand for medical appointments with local physicians, it is recommended that you schedule appointments as soon as possible.

Following are the immunization/medical examination guidelines required by school policy and State law:

  1. All health examinations must be dated within one year before entering Madison Early Childhood Education Center, Kindergarten, sixth and ninth grades.

  2. All health examinations must be dated within one year of entering school when a student transfers from another Illinois school district and is entering Kindergarten, sixth or ninth grade.

  3. Health examinations are required whenever an out-of-state student first enrolls in a District 205 school, regardless of the student’s grade.

Failure to comply with the above requirements by October 15 can result in the student’s exclusion from school until the required completed health forms are presented to the District.

Vision Exam

In addition to the physical examination and immunization requirements, the Illinois State Board of Education requires proof of a vision exam for all Kindergarten students, as well as for any new student entering the District for the first time. Vision exams must be documented on the Illinois Department of Public Health vision form. Parent(s)/guardian(s) must present proof of their child/children having been examined by an ophthalmologist or an optometrist before October 15 of the current school year for students entering Kindergarten and new students to the school district.

Vision Exam Form

Dental Exam

Dental exams are also required for students entering Kindergarten, second and sixth grades. Dental exams must be documented on the Illinois Department of Public Health dental form. Parent(s)/guardian(s) must present proof of their child/children having been examined by a licensed dentist before May 15 of the current school year.

Health Exam and Sports Physical Forms

All middle and high school students who plan to participate in sports are reminded that physical examinations must cover them throughout the entire sport season. Sports physicals are required every year since they are effective for twelve months only. These students should schedule appointments accordingly.


All students who are required to take medication (over-the-counter or prescription) during school hours (including inhalers, Epi-Pens, and insulin) must have a completed Medication Authorization Form on file, which is signed by the doctor and Parent/Guardian. The Medication Authorization Form must be completed annually or whenever there is a change in medication and/or dosage.

The Illinois State Board of Education requires the school district to notify parents of the medication policy within 15 days of enrollment.

Medication Policy

Medical Exclusion Letter

Elmhurst School District 205 has an Exclusion Policy requiring all students to be in compliance with state mandated physical examination and/or immunization requirements by October 15th of each school year. Those not in compliance by this date will be excluded from school. This policy applies to all students entering Early Childhood, Kindergarten, 6th, 9th and 12th grades, as well as to students transferring into Illinois from outside of the State or outside of the country.

Medical Exclusion Letter English

Medical Exclusion Letter Spanish

New Student Enrollment Form Checklist

Parent/Guardian must submit ALL of the following documents. Please contact the registration staff if you are having trouble collecting required documents.

  • Photo ID – Driver’s License, Photo ID or Foreign Consulate ID.

  • Student Original Birth Certificate with embossed seal.

  • Legal Custody documents (if applicable)

  • Three proofs of residency: (see list above)

Additional required documents:

  • The parent will complete a Release of Information form to be sent to the school they last attended to obtain student permanent records.

    • Consent For Release of Student Records

    • Consent For Release of Student Records - Spanish

Other forms (as required):

  • A copy of each student’s physical form for early childhood, kindergarten for elementary school, 6th grade for middle school or 9th grade for high school.

  • A copy of each student’s vision exam form for all new student.

  • A copy of each student’s dental exam form for students entering kindergarten, 2nd grade and 6th grade of the current school year.

  • A copy of each student’s immunization record.

  • A copy of each student’s most recent IEP or 504 plan and evaluation report (if applicable).

  • Transportation registration form, applicable to special education students who qualify for bus service.

  • Student’s world language experience or preference for grades 6-8.

  • Student’s interest and experience with band, orchestra or chorus for grades 6-8.

  • A copy of the student’s classes and grades from previous middle or high school.

  • If you have record of the student’s standardized test scores, please provide.

  • Special Residency Affidavit - English 

  • Special Residency Affidavit - Spanish

  • Residency Affidavit for Divorced or Separated Families

Once forms have been submitted, you may expect to receive an email or letter that contains a SnapCode (online access code) and your child’s student ID. The notification will include instructions on how to access the online registration system.

For mid-term enrollment, please contact your school for a pro-rated fee total. When you have completed the online data entry and submitted payment of school fees, the registration process.

National School Lunch Program Application

Free and Reduced Lunch – Families that meet the federal guidelines are entitled to free or reduced lunch. To receive assistance, the Free and Reduced Lunch form must be completed and returned to the District Office. The form can not be completed prior to mid July, and must include financial information for July on the District 205 registration website or in the York Principals’ Office.

You can fill this out online using the link below. 

Or you can fill out a paper application and turn it in to your school front office. 

Families that receive the Direct Certification and Categorically eligible letter during the week of July 20th stating their child is free will not need to fill out the free application. They should receive a letter for each child in their family and if they do not please call Food Services so we can make sure all family members are included.  Please keep this letter as you may need for other programs and benefits (Comcast, Park District etc).

Financial Assistance

The application for fee waiver will not affect the process that is currently in place for students qualifying for free or reduced meals through the National School Lunch Program. You will still need to complete a separate application for free or reduced meals through the National School Lunch Program. The fee waiver application and instructions are available below.

Applications for the 2025/2026 school year will open in July.

Financial Assistance waiver Application  

Request For Financial Assistance - Waiver of Student Fees

Solicitud Para Asistencia Financiera Y La Exención (Fee Waiver) Del Pago De La Matrícula